Lion District Governor Sherwin Greenidge, MJF paid an official visit to Zone 3B (Saint Lucia) to conduct his annual audit of the clubs. During the visit, the District Governor has the pleasure of paying a courtesy call on the President and Board members of the Diabetes and Hypertension Association.
The brief meeting washeld with the President Dr. Dhor, together with the Vice President Sharon Ephraim, PRO, MR Felix, Secretary Ekima Yarde and Mrs. Aldith Issac. Accompanying the District Governor was Zone Chairman, Lion Cynthia Laurent and Lion Beatrice Mac Donald, MJF, District Public Relations Chairperson.
District Governor Greenidge indicted how pleased he was that the Association was hosen for his visit given the new focus of Lions International on raising awareness of Diabetes. He was happy to announce that at the upcoming Convention in June 2018 Lions International will present the Strategic Plan for Diabetes.
He also noted how pleased he was with the collaboration that the Lions in Zone 3B had with the Association and the work that is undertaken. The District Governor informed that Lions International has Grant funding available for Diabetes Education and awareness. In that, regard the Association presented a proposal for funding. The Zone Chairperson will review the proposal and explore where Grant funds can be obtained from Lions International.
The District Governor indicated that he was looking forward to this and future collaborations.